Exciting New Updates to Menulog’s Partner Hub
on August 1, 2018 in What's new

Menulog is proud to have launched a range of updates to Partner Hub – a tool for our Restaurant Partners to manage their Menulog listing. The upgrades not only include a more polished look and feel, but also allow you to streamline business operations in a more efficient way to better manage your Menulog restaurant listing.

Customer Reviews

The new reviews function helps pull together all the customer reviews together in one place, making it easier for you to check your latest reviews without having to go through the Menulog website. It will ensure that you know exactly what your customers love and what they hope you can improve on or add to your offering. If you would like to respond to the reviews, simply send us a message with your response, and a team member will check and approve it in order to publish it under the customer’s review.

Menulog Rating

Your overall Menulog rating delivers you with a snapshot of your restaurant’s status. The better your rating, the more likely new customers are to order from you and existing customers will order again. As a general guideline, ratings are broken down into three categories; Food Quality, Delivery Time, and Takeaway Service. This proves as an invaluable resource so that you can see what your customers love about their order experience, and we encourage you to take the time to understand your customer’s needs.

Simplified Invoices and Orders

Your invoices have also been updated to reflect a simplified format in Partner Hub. You can access new invoices received after the launch of the new Menulog site, via Partner Hub. If you’re looking for an older invoice, please be sure to check your emails. The improved orders and invoices function provides you with transparency when looking for an invoice, it also enables you to view all past orders and cancelled or rejected orders.

Take Your Restaurant or Menu Items offline

The hospitality business can be unpredictable! With so many variables at play when running a restaurant, changes to operations can be unavoidable. If for any reason, you need to close your restaurant for pick-up or delivery orders for the day, you can simply log on to Partner Hub and hit ‘Close for the Day’. Similarly, instances where you might run out of stock or sell out of a dish for the day, restaurant partners can easily take menu items offline.

Use Partner Hub to Your Advantage!

Partner Hub is a fantastic tool for Menulog Partners and is incredibly useful in managing your online business. If you haven’t already registered for Partner Hub, simply click ‘Get started’ at partner.menulog.com.au.



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